• We ship to addresses across Peninsular Malaysia only.
  • Items are shipped out within 2 working days after payment is made.
  • We are unable to accommodate specific requests for delivery, such as delivering on specific days or specific times, or for specific delivery instructions such as calling beforehand, or placing items over the gate, etc.
  • We are NOT RESPONSIBLE for damage or loss during shipping. 
  • You can engage your own courier to pickup from us at your own arrangement. Contact us for more info.
  • We also offer Free Self-Pickup from our home in Tanjung Bungah, Penang.
  • Self-Pickup option is only available for pickup within 30 days from order date. Pickup time and date is subject to availability and is to be agreed upon beforehand.
  • Orders with Self-Pickup option will not be packed in any packaging.


1. EXPRESS COURIER SERVICES (Peninsular Malaysia only)

  • Randomly chosen among local courier companies.
  • Items of regular size are bubble-wrapped and shipped in plastic courier bags. If you feel that plastic courier bags and bubble-wrap are insufficient protection for your items, you may contact us for a separate shipping quote for packing in reused cardboard boxes, or with additional bubble-wrap and padding
  • Delivery within 1-5 working days after posting, depending on courier option
  • Not available for East Malaysia addresses
  • Tracking code will be emailed once items shipped out